Thursday, December 13, 2012

What is dsjob in Datastage?

1)Datastage User can start and stop jobs, and retrieve information about job runs by using the dsjob command

2)Need for dsjob Command
a)In every Data warehousing project requires that your job runs in batches at specified time slots. In many cases they batches may be consisting of jobs from different systems in addition to the ones in Datastage. In such cases the Datastage jobs are usually scheduled by using an external scheduling tool like ESP Scheduler, Control M, Autosys, etc.This is made possible by writing scripts that will run your jobs through the command line

b)Developer can use other unix command with dsjob command

ex:dsjob command[dsjob -logsum <project> <job>] with unix  mail command to send log information of a Datastage Jobto a User

3)Prerequisites to run the dsjob Command

a)IN UNIX, the Datastage home directory location will always be specified in the “.dshome” file which will be present in the root directory.Before you can run your Datastage commands you will have to run the following commands

cd  `cat /.dshome` 
This will change the location to the home directory. By default this will be /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine

b). ./dsenv 
This will run the dsenv file which contains all the environment variables. Without doing this, your UNIX commands won’t run on the command prompt.

c)cd bin

Go to bin Directory by using above Unix command

After you have done this then you can use any Datastage command for interacting with the server

4)Developer can use the ‘dsjob’ command  not only to run jobs but for a wide variety of following reasons

The logon clause 
Starting a job 
Stopping a job 
Listing projects, jobs, stages, links, and parameters 
Setting an alias for a job 
Retrieving information 
Accessing log files 
Generating a report 

The Usage of dsjob command is found in the following Document with examples is found in the following link-dsjob Command

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